Topic: Python Tools

I have a Python script I use to build Fortran code to call my test subroutines (for doing Test Driven Development). I basically write tests, run the tool and it creates the necessary calls to do the tests and write reports for me.

Currently, the Python script lives in the project directory and I run it from a command window (but I could put it in a "bin" directory in my Home folder). Or I can double click the file in Windows explorer (there are no command line arguments).

How can I add this to the Toolbox? I have tried adding it as a Project tool, but I just get an error message:

The tool "" failed to launch - Error c1.


Re: Python Tools


What exactly are you entering as your command line in Toolbox Management?

I regularly launch Python scripts from the Toolbox menu, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Python Tools

My script filename is

I have entered the command line:



Both give the same error.

Python is in my Path, and it works from a command window.


Re: Python Tools

It works if I put a full pathname in to the python executable.


Re: Python Tools


Error code "c1" translates to "%1 is not a valid Win32 application," so something odd happens when you attempt to run it.  I tried it from here (using just python and it seemed to work alright.  I'm not sure I can explain why you're seeing that error.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC