Topic: Plea for some examples/ Creating and using static libaries
I am a new user of Simply Fortran. One thing I am trying to do is build a static library, then make use of it in an executable project. Here's what I've done:
1. Create a new project called GLNMATHMOD, a 'Static Library' project.
2. Pull three source modules into the project.
3. Do a 'build' on the three source modules
Now, what is the OUTPUT here? I THINK the software produced a module called GLNMATHMOD, but not sure. If I do a file search on it, I see a file called GLNMATHMOD, but cannot find a path to it. In what directory is it stored? How do I control where it is stored? If I now create a new executable project, how do I tell the project to access the new static library?
Seems to me the guys at Approximatrix desperately need to have some SIMPLE EXAMPLES out there - - really simple cases that show how to create a library module that consists of, say, just two compiled subroutines, how to control the naming, how to specify where the module ends up. I'm sure it is clear as a bell to the experts, but it is just totally opaque to me, and I am not the dumbest guy to walk down the block. The help documentation is of almost no help to me.