Topic: Plea for some examples/ Creating and using static libaries

I am a new user of Simply Fortran.  One thing I am trying to do is build a static library, then make use of it in an executable project.  Here's what I've done:
1.  Create a new project called GLNMATHMOD, a 'Static Library' project.
2.  Pull three source modules into the project.
3.  Do a 'build' on the three source modules

Now, what is the OUTPUT here?  I THINK the software produced a module called GLNMATHMOD, but not sure.  If I do a file search on it, I see a file called GLNMATHMOD, but cannot find a path to it.  In what directory is it stored? How do I control where it is stored?  If I now create a new executable project, how do I tell the project to access the new static library?


Seems to me the guys at Approximatrix desperately need to have some SIMPLE EXAMPLES out there - - really simple cases that show how to create a library module that consists of, say, just two compiled subroutines,  how to control the naming, how to specify where the module ends up.  I'm sure it is clear as a bell to the experts, but it is just totally opaque to me, and I am not the dumbest guy to walk down the block. The help documentation is of almost no help to me.

Re: Plea for some examples/ Creating and using static libaries

Here's some info from an example of mine that does exactly what you are asking:

The project is a static library called IoLib
Its a linkable library with 47 source files.
The 'target name' is        ..\Libs\ioLib.a

I have a directory called "LIBS" where I keep this library and my Dislin libraries for use by .exe applications which I am developing.
LIBS is one level higher in my directory tree than my iolibs project directory.  This is why the target name begins with  ..\   
As you see, when I compile and build my iolib.a library, the target name is the pathname I need to place the library directly into the LIBS directory where other projects will expect to find it.  If I need to amend iolib occasionally, I do so very easily, and other projects continue to link to the amended version.  I don't need to re-add the amended iolib.a to my .exe project files list.

In the .exe projects, I add  iolib.a  to the project files list, just as if it were a source file.  Jeff explained to me a while ago that Simply Fortran is able to distinguish between source files that need to be compiled, and object files which are linkable libraries, and it only pulls the code it needs from the latter and doesn't load the whole library.

I hope this is helpful.