Topic: Missing DLL files when moving EXE to new machine; SF 2.41 build 2559
When I move my executable to a new machine, one which does not have SF installed, I get multiple messages that certain DLL are missing from the machine. Here is an example od one of the files it complains about: libgcc_s_seh-1.dll I did try to moved this DLL to the new machine but it just complains about a new one.
I have pthreadGC2-64.dll on this different machine and that was all I needed previously to port an application to a new platform. What am I doing wrong that my executable is no longer portable?
The executable is 64 bit, the OS is 64 bit... what else is there?
Oh, here is the Makefile:
# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.41
FC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
WRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\windres.exe"
RM=rm -f
OPTFLAGS= -O3 -fgraphite-identity -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -floop-block -floop-parallelize-all -mtune=broadwell
PRJ_FFLAGS= -fopenmp
PRJ_LFLAGS=-Wl,--stack,1500000000 -lgomp
"build\riod.o": ".\riod.f90"
@echo Compiling .\riod.f90
@$(FC) -c -o "build\riod.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\riod.f90"
clean: .SYMBOLIC
@echo Deleting build\riod.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\riod.o"
@echo Deleting default icon resource
@$(RM) "build\sf_default_resource.res"
@echo Deleting riod.exe
@$(RM) "riod.exe"
"riod.exe": "build\riod.o" "build\"
@echo Generating riod.exe
@$(FC) -o "riod.exe" -static-libgfortran -fopenmp "build\riod.o" $(LDIR) $(PRJ_LFLAGS)
all: "riod.exe" .SYMBOLIC