Topic: Aplot suggestion?

Hi Jeff,

Another question regarding Aplot.  Although I realize the Aplot routine is somewhat restrictive, would it be possible to add a menu item that allows the x,y axis ranges to be revised without exiting and re-entering Aplot?   Such a functionality would be very useful when there are multiple curves in a plot that have very different ranges.  For example, if the y-axis maximum was auto-scaled to 100,000 for one of the curve data but 2nd, 3rd, etc. curve data maximums were 1000, then re-scaling the y-axis manually using a menu item within Aplot would be very useful.

Thank you for your consideration,

Re: Aplot suggestion?

As far as I understand, Aplot window is cross-platform and therefore quite restricted
as regards GUI properties. Sorry for the obvious advice,  but re-scale y data vector instead.

Re: Aplot suggestion?

Hi Jeff,

I have a minor issue when setting series colors using AppGraphics and Aplot.  When in the SF platform in GUI mode but displaying the console, the following is display in the console. Should the text "Attempting color set..." be displayed even though SF is running a GUI?

Console Display in GUI mode:
Attempting color set...
Attempting color set...
Attempting color set...


Re: Aplot suggestion?


It appears that there was a stray debugging line left behind in Aplot.  We'll put together a new build this week that removes it.  Thanks for letting me know!

In regards to rescaling, the code base has some support for it, but it would require dialog support on all platforms to be able to enter scaling information.  Carlos is correct that, in order to maintain some consistency across platforms, the library is locked to the lowest common feature set, currently Linux.  Because we're using Xlib directly since we can't rely on any particular toolkit being installed, we have an extremely limited feature set to work with.  In contrast, macOS and Windows do guarantee basically all of the GUI functionality one would expect regardless of operating system version.

That limiting feature set, though, is merely an explanation of the current state.  There is always the possibility that things could change.  I'm not particularly against adding features, but we do want to stay safely away from too many features.  Maintaining a plotting library isn't particularly easy.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Aplot suggestion?

Hi Jeff,

First, I would like to say that Aplot is a great addition to SF and it functions almost seamlessly. However, there is one annoying characteristic that I would suggest should be revised.  It is the y-axis numeric labeling when the numbers are either very large or very small.  For example, a y-axis label of 1.0e-006 or 1.0e+006 disappears in part off the left side of the graph.  The scaling works a little better in logarithmic scale where only the y-axis text label disappears off the graph. 

Q: Would it be possible to to reduce the horizontal size of the plot just slightly enough to allow both the y-axis numeric and text labels to be completely visible on the plot?

Thank you for all that you have contributed to giving Fortran a new life with SF.


Re: Aplot suggestion?


That's definitely a bug.  I'll see if I can sort out why the numbers are being cut off.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Aplot suggestion?


Looking at the code more carefully, it seems that the width of labels is never even calculated when preparing to plot.  I've added the necessary routine, and the plots look substantially better.  I also added a routine to compute the last X-axis label width as well because that number was also being cut off regularly in the plot on the right side of the window.

We should have a bug fix release of 3.11 in the next few days, and it will include this fix as well.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Aplot suggestion?

Hi Jeff,

Thank you very much for the revision of APLOT by adjusting the x,y axis numeric and text labels so that they remain visible when scaling.  The Semi-Log y-axis plot labels look perfect.

However, would you please check the Linear y-axis text labels when scaling the axis from [0,1], [0,10], and [0,100].  The numeric y-axis labels display fine, but the text label disappears off the plot area when I tried it.

Thanks again and stay safe,

Re: Aplot suggestion?


I see it too.  I'll get that fixed.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Aplot suggestion?


Thank you for your prompt response.
