Re: Launch file name

Send me instructions on how to do it and I'll gladly turn it  over to you.

Re: Launch file name


Just zip up the source code and project file (with the .prj extension), and email the zip file to  Do not include the compiled executable in the zip file, though, because email server will block the entire message in that case.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Launch file name

Just sent it to you.

Re: Launch file name


I just loaded, built, and ran your project on Windows 10 using Simply Fortran 2.38, and I had no issues.  After the run, I had a new file, Example4.OUT in the project directory, and I had a few minor messages about temporary arrays in the Console tab.  Your problem sounds like it might be system-dependent.

What version of Windows 10 are you using?  You can check the specifics by running winver from the "Search Windows" box on the task bar (or the Run dialog).  Specifically, I'm interested in the Version and OS Build numbers.

Also, do you have a virus scanner installed?  Virus scanners that aren't Microsoft's own regularly interfere with Simply Fortran as most are quite aggressive towards compilers and their outputted executables.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

30 (edited by Don Hazlewood 2017-07-14 17:14:57)

Re: Launch file name

Hi Jeff,

That's the output I'm expecting.

I'm running Windows 10 version 1703, build 15063.483 and I have COMODO a/v installed.

I'll try disabling COMODO and recompiling and running.


Well, killing COMODO didn't do it.  Still doesn't work for me.  Do you think it's the Windows version?

At 12:12 pm CDT:  It WAS comodo.  After I completely uninstalled it and reran my program, it worked perfectly.  I get bit more by Virus Scanners than I do by Viruses...

Again, thanks for letting me take up too much of your valuable time.

Re: Launch file name


I'm glad you figured out the cause of the issue.  However, I would suggest running some sort of virus scanner.  I usually just use Microsoft's own under Windows 10, but that's merely a suggestion on my part.  I don't endorse it or anything.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC