Topic: outtext/outtextxy
Can anybody see why outtexty does not always output the specified texts in this subroutine, whereas the settextboxcontents always does?
subroutine get_angles( )
use appgraphics
implicit none
integer i1,iangles_box(3)
call outtextxy (xpos+50, ypos+30, 'Start Angle: ') !Start angle label
iangles_box(1) = createtextbox (xpos+150, ypos+30, 50, 20) !Start angle text box
call settextboxcontents (iangles_box(1), '0')
call outtextxy (xpos+50, ypos+60, 'End Angle: ') !End angle label
iangles_box(2) = createtextbox (xpos+150, ypos+60, 50, 20) !End angle text box
call settextboxcontents (iangles_box(2), '180')
call outtextxy (xpos+50, ypos+90, 'Increment: ') !Increment angle label
iangles_box(3) = createtextbox (xpos+150, ypos+90, 50, 20) !Increment angle text box
call settextboxcontents (iangles_box(3), '10')
end subroutine get_angles