Topic: Why no graphics window?
Code below compiles but will not run. Keeps saying, "Attempting to draw to a graphics window without declaring a window." Why does my "initwindow" command not work? Also, where can I find a list of integer IDs for font families?
program main
use appgraphics
implicit none
integer::x, y, r, i
logical:: pt = .TRUE.
logical:: db = .FALSE.
logical:: cf = .TRUE.
call settextstyle(5,0,5)
myscreen = initwindow(800, 600, "Primitives", 0, 0, db, cf)
! Pw = getactivepage()
do while(x <= 800)
call clearviewport
call circle(x,y,r)
call outtextxy(x,y,char(r),pt)