Topic: Simple Graphics Animation
I'm a beginner FORTRAN programmer. I am really enjoying the excellent programming environment
provided by Simply FORTRAN. However, I've run into a bit of a roadblock with regard to
graphics. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I'd like to develop some numerical simulations and plot the results as the simulation proceeds
as a simple 2-dimensional animation on my monitor. The planned program flow would be roughly
as follows:
(1) Initialize the simulation
(2) Initialize a display window (preferably 1920x1080 with full RGB colors).
(3) Advance the simulation a time step
(4) Convert the updated model state into a set of pixel coordinates which will be plotted as
points or used as endpoints of simple line segments.
(5) Clear a display write buffer and draw an updated set of 2-D points or lines
(6) Update display window with the new graphic page
(7) Loop back to step (3).
I've looked through the various graphics-related FORTRAN packages. The Open GL interfaces
would probably work, but I think the complexity of the interface greatly exceeds my current
needs and programming ability.
The Win BGI package seems more appropriate. I played around with the parameters in the example
program provided for Simply FORTRAN and I was able to get the screen resolution and colors I
want. Unfortunately, the example is a C routine. It is not clear to a beginner like myself
how I can invoke the various Win BGI routines and pass data (such as display coordinates and
colors) from my FORTRAN main program.
Greg M (howmiller)