Topic: the use of the debugger

Everytime I try to add a wacht sf exits from the program.
Any ideas?

Re: the use of the debugger

Sounds like a bug.  I'll try to reproduce it on my end.  Just for clarification, what operating system and version of Simply Fortran?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: the use of the debugger

I am usinf SF under MacOS ventura 13.6.7
I try to find out how to use the debugger.
Srart debugger seems be ok.
Then I try to add watch it simply kicks me out of SF.
ithout debugger it is difficult to do but not impossible as 50 years ago I did it with Fortran IV and every communication over the line printer in batch jobs.

Re: the use of the debugger

The debugger executable could not be located ??

Re: the use of the debugger

I can not find a location for gdb?

Re: the use of the debugger

Ifound an error de debugger was gbd but sfgbd.
That is solved but the program still ejects when I try to add a addwatch.
Then straight out. Can this be solved?

Re: the use of the debugger

Sorry I forgott to give you the version number
Version 3.35
Build 4216(GTK+)

Re: the use of the debugger

It appears to be a bug in menu handling that only occurs on macOS.  We should have a bug fix out tomorrow.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: the use of the debugger

Build 4222 fixes the crash when adding a watch (or adding a folder to a project).  Let me know if you have any other trouble.

In regards to the debugger location, the default entry, sfgdb should work fine.  Using a system-installed gdb can lead to compatibility issues.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: the use of the debugger

I'll have to lezrn now how to use it.
Is there a wen page with a manual?

Re: the use of the debugger

All the documentation is available in the Help menu via "Contents."  You can also read the documentation online.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC